Why is it so easy to send forged emails?


Forged emails are a growing concern for personal and business communication. With the ease of sending fake emails that appear to come from a different source, it's essential to be aware of the dangers and take steps to prevent them.

This blog post will explore the reasons why it's so easy to send forged emails and what can be done to prevent them and protect your domain.

Get ready to learn about the weaknesses in the email infrastructure, the risks of end-to-end encryption, and the importance of proper email authentication protocols and safe email practices.

So… why is it so easy?

Sending forged emails is easy because:

  • Email protocols do not have built-in authentication methods.

  • It is simple to fake sender information in email headers.

  • Email servers do not verify the authenticity of emails.

Email protocols do not have built-in authentication methods

Email protocols, such as SMTP, were designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, rather than security.

Magnifying lens As a result, they do not have built-in authentication methods to verify the identity of the sender.

This makes it easy for anyone to send an email from a fake address or impersonate someone else, as the recipient's email server has no way to verify the authenticity of the sender's information. This lack of authentication in email protocols has been a major factor contributing to the ease of sending forged emails.

It is simple to fake sender information in email headers

Faking sender information in email headers is a common method used to send forged emails.

The headers of an email contain information such as the sender's address, the recipient's address, and the date and time the email was sent.

Believe it or not, that information can be easily altered or forged to make it appear as though the email was sent from a different address, or even from a well-known or trusted source.

This is made possible by the lack of verification of header information in email protocols, and can be done using simple tools and techniques that are widely available online.

As a result, it is easy for anyone to send an email with a fake sender address, making it difficult for the recipient to determine the true origin of the email.

Most email servers do not verify the authenticity of emails

When an email is sent, it is transmitted from the sender's email server to the recipient's email server, but if the recipient's server does not verify the authenticity of the sender or the contents of the email, then it has no way to detect a forged message.

This means that anyone can send an email claiming to be from a different address, or containing false or misleading information, and most recipient's email server will accept it without question.

Yes, anyone.

This lack of verification makes it easy for individuals to send forged emails, as there are no checks in place to ensure the authenticity of the sender or the contents of the email.

What is the solution?

To mitigate the issue of forged emails, some of the solutions include:

  • Implementing email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

  • Encrypting emails end-to-end using technologies such as S/MIME or PGP.

  • Verifying the authenticity of emails by checking the source and headers.

  • Awareness and education of safe email practices and security measures.

  • Using secure email providers that prioritize privacy and security.

It is important to note that complete elimination of forged emails is challenging, but using a combination of these solutions can help reduce their prevalence and minimize their impact.

Using DMARC to prevent forged emails from your domain

Currently, DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is considered the best solution to prevent forged emails.

DMARC allows domain owners to specify their email authentication policy and provides a way for email receivers to report back to domain owners about messages that pass or fail DMARC evaluation.

This helps to verify the authenticity of an email and prevent forging by ensuring that incoming emails originate from an authorized source and have not been altered during transmission.

By using DMARC, domain owners can take control of their email domain and reduce the risk of phishing, spam, and other malicious activities.

DMARC has been widely adopted by major email service providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Microsoft Outlook, amongst others, and is considered a crucial component in the fight against email-based security threats.

However, its effectiveness also depends on proper implementation by both email senders and receivers.

About DMARCPal

DMARCPal is a simple and affordable tool that helps implement DMARC to prevent forged emails.

With a user-friendly interface, clear instructions, and comprehensive reporting and analysis, DMARCPal makes it easy for organizations to implement DMARC to secure their email communication and protect against email-based security threats. Its accessibility and effectiveness make it a great option for individuals and organizations looking to implement DMARC. You can sign up for a free trial, no credit cards required. See the DMARCPal overview page for more information.


The issue of forged emails is a real concern that must be addressed to protect both individuals and organizations.

Understanding the reasons why it is so easy to send forged emails and taking appropriate measures to prevent them is critical to ensuring the security and privacy of our email communication.

By implementing proper email authentication protocols such as DMARC — preferrably with the help of a DMARC tool like DMARCPal — and verifying the authenticity of emails and increasing awareness and education about safe email practices, we can reduce the risk of scams and phishing attacks and improve the security of our email communication.

By staying informed and proactive, we can protect ourselves and those around us from the dangers of forged emails.

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